Our Track Record
Our track record in service delivery is exemplary, reflecting the professionalism of our consultants and our focus on client service.
For information in relation to each of our services, click on the tabs below:
Customised Reporting Services
Funding of Community Services – Queensland Government Agency
Through several rounds of funding applications, our consultant has worked with a project team to systematically document the evaluations of proposals and the reasons for recommendations made. Guidance was provided to assist in the structuring and management of the process which was completed more efficiently than anticipated by the agency.
Performance Reviews – Local Government Authority
The Executive of this large local Government Authority met to complete performance reviews for members of the management team. Our consultant prepared high quality and professional documentation of the outcomes, ensuring that the strictest confidentiality was maintained.
Consultation Conferences – Queensland Government Agency
Consultation Conferences were held with local government authorities and stakeholders in locations in both South East and South West Queensland. A team of Merit consultants provided support, each attending one of the conferences and preparing professional documentation of the outcomes.
Funding Decisions – Human Services Agency
The Executive Management Team was meeting to make final decisions about funding decisions for new community services and projects. Two consultants worked throughout the day to record the issues considered and final decisions. Documentation was completed overnight and presented to the CEO the next day. Our consultants were congratulated on the quality of their work in documenting complex factors and decision making.
Tender Evaluation – Queensland Government Agency
An evaluation team was meeting to assess tenders received. Our consultant provided guidance to ensure that criteria were rigorously applied and that evaluations were clearly based on available evidence. A final report documenting the process and recommendations made was produced and presented within 48 hours of completing the evaluations.
Planning Workshop – Local Government Authority
The Management Committee for a new and innovative community service was meeting to map out a plan for the future. Our consultant recorded the discussion and outputs throughout the day and prepared a document summarising the process, outcomes and decisions made.
Minutes – Management Committee
A Merit Solutions consultant was engaged to attend monthly Management Committee meetings and prepare minutes. Our consultant was congratulated on her ability to synthesise complex issues and prepare concise and coherent minutes.
Executive Recruitment
State Government Executive Director
In 2008 Merit Solutions provided a full recruitment service to source and recruit an SES Executive Director role. This included advertising, limited search, receipt of applications and candidate care, initial assessment of candidates, design of selection processes, use of PAPI profiles, interview arrangements and scribing, preparation of selection reports, referee checks, verification of qualifications and feedback to applicants. Client feedback was very positive about our role in this complex and challenging assignment.
SEQ Water Reform
Merit Solutions has recently facilitated the advertising of some 20 positions ranging from Project Directors to an Executive Assistant for a new organisation established to facilitate SEQ water reform. In a rolling campaign to resource the newly formed organisation, we have successfully designed role statements, designed and placed advertisements, received applications, shortlisted fields and supported the selection processes.
State Government Commission
The implementation of a new State Government Commission was supported by Merit Solutions. The Director-General chaired the panel for the Commissioner and the process was supported with candidate care, detailed assessments of the field of applicants and a selection reporting process developed by Merit Solutions that allowed the panel to sign off on the report an hour after the interviews were finalized. We also supported selection panels involved in recruiting the remaining staff in the Commission so that they could meet the short time frames required to be operational in line with the requirements of the new Act, and have subsequently assisted the Cairns based Commission with ongoing recruitment needs.
Local Government Authority
Merit Solutions has gained a reputation as a provider of choice for one large SEQ Local Authority in relation to the provision of Executive Selection Support Services. All SES recruitment in this authority is supported by Merit Solutions in the provision of tailored reports that accurately reflect the high level selection panels’ deliberations and meet the demanding standards of the Cabinet decision making process, often within tight timeframes.
HR Consulting Services
Recruitment Standard – Queensland Agency
Merit Solutions was engaged to develop a new Recruitment Standard for a major Queensland Government Agency. The new Standard reflects contemporary expectations in terms of advertising, candidate care and transition to employment strategies within the current constraints of Queensland Government delivery models. It provides managers with practical guidance about key issues including the use of personal knowledge, alternatives to interviews and strategies to make referee checks more effective. The agency will build a user-friendly interface to achieve efficiencies in the generation of selection documentation.
Competency Profiles – Queensland Government Agency
Competency profiles were developed covering positions from AO4 to AO6 level across seven discipline areas. Focus groups and regional workshops were conducted to provide opportunities for consultation and build commitment. The competency profiles provided the framework for a comprehensive Development Needs Analysis and informed a training and development plan.
Performance Management Systems – Queensland Government Agency
Our consultant worked with a small agency to develop a performance management system appropriate for a strong professional and team based environment. Focus groups were conducted at all levels to assist in the evaluation of the previous system and development of new model. The outcome was a customised approach to individual and team development and performance. Policy and procedures were documented and training conducted for all staff.
Organisational Design and Role Descriptions
Review of General Role Descriptions – Queensland Government Agency
Our assignment was to review generic role descriptions across a Division which combined both strategic and operational policy roles. The outcome was new role descriptions in four job families and a blueprint for more specific role descriptions where particular background and skills were required. The new role descriptions provided a more user-friendly description of the roles with brief, easy to use merit criteria. The project also involved the management of job evaluation issues to minimise the need for new evaluations to be performed.
Executive Structure – Queensland Government Agency
Our consultant worked collaboratively to review the structure and operations of a functional area within the agency and develop a future blueprint. Outcomes included recommendations for changes in role and legislation supported by a new structure, training and recruitment strategies.
Management Structure – Queensland Government Agency
A review of the management and support structures for a functional area was conducted with consultation with key stakeholders including focus groups with relevant staff. The review resulted in the recognition of new roles and challenges, negotiation of streamlined reporting relationships, preparation of new position descriptions and some increases in classification.
Sectional Review – Queensland Government Agency
One section in a State Government Agency was responding to changes in policy and direction. Our consultant worked collaboratively with the Manager of the work team to document the implications of the new policy, quantify the changes, consider alternative delivery strategies, develop a resourcing model and recommend a new structure.
Role Statements – Local Government Authority
A major new project required the preparation of position descriptions prior to permanent recruitment. Fourteen role statements were created and refined in consultation with the client.
Organisational Development
Organisational Development Interventions – Public and Private Sector Organisations
Wide range of interventions in diverse organisations including strategic planning, team building, organisational communication, training, evaluations (e.g. shift work), program review, program redesign, implementation of computer systems and design of feedback mechanisms.
Implementation of Teleworking – Government Information Office (Dept of Public Works)
Implementation of Teleworking in Qld Government agencies. Role included:
- Research & develop resource materials for training managers in management of telework and teleworkers;
- Contribution to resource workbook for managers to be used across Qld Govt
- Joint facilitation of 3 pilot workshops
Developed website to share outcomes of research including videos, webfeeds, case studies & links
Organisational Development and Capacity Building – Vocational Education and Training Sector (ANTA & VET)
Provided National Change Manager (4 years) for the implementation of online learning in the VET Sector nationally. Project involved mentoring senior managers in developing whole-of-organisation, change management plans to build online learning capacity in TAFE Colleges. Also provided workshops and a blog for a network of flexible learning leaders in schools, TAFE Colleges and Training Organisations throughout Queensland.
Organisation Design – Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS)
Review structure & resourcing of Brisbane Region, recommend changes to staff numbers, structure, roles and classifications
Organisation design – Department of Mines and Energy (DME)
Review structure & resourcing of Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate and Explosives Inspectorate. Recommend changes to staff numbers, structure, roles and classifications.
Leadership Restructuring – Queensland Ambulance Service
Review leadership structure in South Eastern Region (Gold Coast, Logan & Ipswich Areas) and develop alternative model. Progressive implementation with final report summarising outcomes.
Strategic Review – Office of Fair Trading
Strategic Review of Trade Measurement function with recommendations re future directions, structure, resourcing, recruitment, training and operations. Development of Role Descriptions for new structure and facilitation of recruitment processes.
Training Structure Review – Queensland Ambulance Service
Review Brisbane Training Unit with recommendations re structure, resourcing & recruitment. Development of Role Descriptions for new structure.
Organisation Restructure – Brisbane City Council
Design of new structure for Business Support functions in River City Technology (precursor to iDivision). Development of Role Statements for roles across the Division, facilitation of classification processes including benchmarking, coordination of recruitment.
Executive Leadership Structure Review – Queensland Audit Office
Review of Executive Leadership structure, development of new Role Descriptions, facilitation of classification review for SES roles.
Outsourcing Business Case – Australian National Training Authority
Prepared and presented business case for outsourcing of payroll and project managed implementation of employee self-service.
Recruitment and Selection Services
Since our formation in 1996, Merit Solutions has developed a client base of more than 25 government departments and local government authorities. We have assisted clients to efficiently complete more than 5000 recruitment and selection exercises over this period.
Some significant examples to demonstrate the range of our previous experience working with government clients include the following:
Shortlisting – Compliance Roles
Our client required assistance to review more than 200 applications received for 5 vacancies. Merit Solutions developed benchmarks, assessed all applications and prepared detailed notes for review by the selection panel.
Shortlisting – Senior Executive Service
Following the advertising of an SES role in the Department’s senior management team, the Director-General engaged Merit Solutions to provide initial assistance in shortlisting the strong field of applicants who had applied. Our consultant offered an independent perspective and reviewed all applications. An initial assessment including a summary of the CV’s and brief evaluative comments was provided to inform the final panel decision about which applicants to interview. This facilitated a timely process with interviews able to be conducted soon after close of applications.
Restructure – Queensland Government Central Agency
A major restructure introduced a generic approach to job design and selection. 70 positions at 6 levels were filled after consideration of 300 applicants. Merit Solutions worked collaboratively with HR staff to co-ordinate the total exercise, provided consultants as independent panel members for each panel and completed referee checks and selection documentation for all positions. Three consultants worked on this project which was co-ordinated by a Director of Merit Solutions. Our consultants were congratulated on their professional service and timely outcomes achieved while senior executives and line managers were able to concentrate on agency deliverables.
Work Sample Tests – Local Government Authority
Merit Solutions consultants have developed work sample tests for use in selections for Town Planners, Development Officers, IT consultants and Compliance Officers. Better selection outcomes have been achieved through the use of relevant selection tools.
HR Restructure & Recruitment – Commonwealth Government Agency
A National restructure of HR roles within a major federal agency was managed from the Brisbane Office; Merit Solution Consultants provided administrative and specialist support to ensure quality documentation and feedback to applicants. Security of information and high standards of quality were critical as well as supporting systems for decision-making processes. As an internal process the credibility of decisions was supported by the involvement of external selection expertise from Merit Consultants.
Assessment of Redeployees – Queensland Government Agencies
Our consultants are familiar with the process and experienced in the application of OPS Directive 4/02 to the assessment of suitability. We have worked with a number of selection panels and documented outcomes in accordance with OPSME requirements.
Innovative Shortlisting Process – Queensland Government Central Agency
The agency wished to obtain a stronger applicant pool and encourage more applications from outside the government sector. Applicants submitted a CV and our consultants conducted a 15 minute phone interview as a screening device. Reviews of the process provided positive comments in relation to the quality of the field of applicants interviewed.
Graduate Recruitment – Queensland Government Agency
Merit Solutions was engaged to support the Agency’s annual graduate recruitment program. Our consultant conducted an initial shortlist, participated as a panel member and documented the final recommendations.
Sensitive Selections – Queensland Government Agencies
Our consultants are frequently engaged as independent panel members for sensitive selections. We are experienced in ensuring adherence to proper merit selection processes, transparent documentation and the management of adverse referee comments in accordance with the relevant PSC Directive.
Identified/Specified Positions – Queensland Government Agencies
Merit Solutions is regularly engaged to provide independent panel members and professional selection support to panels selecting for Identified and Specified positions. We are experienced in communicating with applicants and referees from Indigenous communities and in working collaboratively with Indigenous panel members and panel chairs.
Independent Panel Members – Professional and Technical Roles
This Queensland Government Agency has a strong professional and technical workforce spread throughout Queensland. Merit Solutions consultants provide expert selection advice, coordinate selection processes and ensure gender balance on selection panels while also preparing excellent selection reports.
Training and Coaching
Job Applicant Training – Queensland Government Agency
Short (five hour) workshops were delivered for small groups in several divisions of a Queensland Government Agency. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive except that participants wanted more time with our consultants. As a result, a one day program was developed and run while earlier participants could access a half-day workshop focussed on interview skills. Several participants commented that they learned more in 5 hours than they had in a two day workshop previously attended.
Selection Panel Training – Queensland Government Agency
Five workshops were delivered in two locations for HR Advisors and line managers engaged in recruitment and selection. The workshops focussed on current good practices including the importance of candidate care, pre-planning the selection process, alternatives to interviews, streamlining processes and focussing on getting the best person for the job.
Public Workshop – Selections for the 21st Century
This workshop focussed on current best practice in public sector recruitment and selection. It provided internal HR advisors and line managers with a “masterclass” in terms of the innovation and options available to selection panels now and in the future. Participants took away a tool for the evaluation, diagnosis and improvement of current practices within a section or agency.
Coaching for Job Applicants
Our most senior consultants have provided one-to-one coaching for applicants for executive and senior management roles in the public sector. With a focus on the preparation of focussed resumes, strong applications and planning for interviews or presentations, we can provide expert advice based on many years of experience at senior levels.
Training for Selection Panels – Commonwealth Government Agency
A one-day program was developed and run for experienced and potential panel members. With a strong focus on practical skills in the development of benchmarks and effective interview techniques, these workshops provided a sound foundation for managers required to achieve effective staffing outcomes within Commonwealth Government frameworks.
Training Programs – Local Government Authority
With major recruitment pending, short workshops were developed to assist existing staff and temporary employees compete effectively for the new positions. Participants were delighted with the practical and relevant advice provided.