VSP or Fractured Social Fabric (FSF): The Impacts of Voluntary Separation
During a recent discussion with a group of managers and staff in a Queensland Public Service organisation, the issue of the VSP (Voluntary Separation Package) was raised. The discussion immediately turned to the loss of knowledge and skills resulting from the...
Common Sense Selections – Robust Assessments and Transparency by Selection Panels
In a recent appeal decision (Notable Case A7447) published by the Queensland Public Service Commission, the Appeals Officer found that the selection process was deficient because the selection panel had not provided a “cogent narrative, however short” to explain their recommendation.
To Prompt or Not to Prompt – That is the Question!
While conducting job interviews, selection panels are frequently torn between whether to probe or prompt the job interviewees. Sometimes, members of selection panels become confused about the differences between these two approaches to job interview questions. This article clarifies the issues for selection panels.
Why Use Recruitment Benchmarks in Recruitment and Selection?
Recruitment benchmarks have become the standard for recruitment and selection processes. We advise selection panels to invest time together before shortlisting to agree on the recruitment benchmarks that they will use to assess candidates.
Attitudes and values trump skills and experience
Paying attention to values, attitudes and personal spirit may be the difference between creating a great leadership team which will inspire and motivate an organisation rather than a pedestrian group who will just get the job done.