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Managing Personal Transitions in a Change Program

Managers typically focus on change management – getting to the end physical state as quickly as possible. In the process, they leave their employees behind. What managers fail to understand, and act on, is the nature of the personal transitions that individual employees experience during the change process. Understanding these personal transitions can contribute substantially to a successful change.

A Manager’s Power Sources

A Manager’s Power Sources

Managers have multiple sources of power to manage change and develop organizations. Many organizations, though, have power vacuums because managers do not take up the power that is rightfully theirs. Power has become a dirty word but the reality is that organizations are arenas of power and influence. Managers by their very position have organizational power and the responsibility to use it for employee welfare and achievement of organizational goals.

Employee Motivation: Meet Three Basic Employee Needs

Employee Motivation: Meet Three Basic Employee Needs

Employee motivation is considerably enhanced when you meet three basic employee needs – expectations, resources and feedback. You can go a long way to improving employee motivation if you clarify your work expectations, provide employees with the resources they need to do the job and give timely, accurate feedback on work performance.

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