Action Learning
Action learning is an approach to manager development and organisational improvement that typically involves a learning project approach. Project teams are developed to create real organisational improvement and are supported in their learning and actions by structures and processes that create an environment of collaboration and innovation.
Action learning is used world-wide in the private and public sectors to implement strategy and deliver organisational goals.
Our Services
- Collaborative design of action learning processes and programs to achieve organisational strategy and goals
- Facilitation of action learning programs and project teams
- Mentoring of organisational development staff in the design, conduct and evaluation of an action learning program
- Advice on the design of action learning interventions
- Public and in-house courses on the design of action learning programs
Our Approach
Our approach to action learning program design recognises the critical importance of focusing organisational interventions on achieving business strategy and organisational goals. It also builds a culture of collaboration and innovation. We focus on collaborative design and development, clear accountabilities and strategies for diffusion of innovations. We recognise the systemic nature of organisations and action learning and build in linkages so that senior executives support and engage their staff in processes of organisational improvement. Clients appreciate our ability to deliver organisational results while simultaneously developing the managers and staff involved. Fundamentally, it achieves learning through action and reflection on outcomes, be they intended and unintended.
Case Studies of Action Learning Interventions designed and conducted
by Merit Solutions Consultants
Merit Solutions consultants have designed and conducted action learning programs on a national and local organisational level over the past 20 years, engaging managers and staff in the private and public sectors in a wide range of organisational improvement projects.
We are happy to discuss any aspect of these interventions and to assist you in any way to develop your own action learning program that aligns with your organisation’s strategy and goals.
Additional Resources
Ron Passfield (2012) Action research strategies for sustainable development in public sector organisations, in Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt, Action research for Sustainable Development in a Turbulent World, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, Bedfordshire, UK.
Ron Passfield (2011) Action Learning: An Ideavirus
Ron Passfield (2011) Action Learning: A Personal Story of Unleashing the IdeaVirus
Ron Passfield (2002) Creating Innovation and Synergy through a Parallel Learning Structure, The Learning Organisation: An International Journal, 9(4), 150-158.
Shankar Sankaran, Bob Dick, Ron Passfield & Pam Swepson (eds) (2001) Effective Change Management through Action Learning and Action Research: Concepts. Frameworks, Processes and Applications, Southern Cross University Press, Lismore.
David Limerick, Ron Passfield and Bert Cunnington, (1994) Transformational Change: Towards an Action Learning Organisation, The Learning Organisation: An International Journal, 1 (2)..
Anne-Marie Carroll & Ron Passfield (1992) Developing Managers Through Action Learning: Let’s Expand Our Design Options, Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Action Learning. Brisbane: Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management Association, 283-285.
Please download our
Action Learning Case Studies
for a brief overview of these action learning interventions.