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Consultant Profile

Meet our highly qualified and experienced team

Alice-Anne McRobbie

Alice-Anne McRobbie

Principal Consultant


  • Recruitment
  • Selection
  • Scribing
  • Shortlisting
  • Coaching for Job Applicants
  • Documentation of Tender Evaluations
  • Workshop Facilitation


  • Master of Strategic Communication (current)
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Member, International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)
  • Member, Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP)

Career Details

Alice-Anne rejoined the Merit Solutions consulting team in 2024, bringing a wealth of experience in senior leadership and project/program design and delivery. She has worked across diverse industry sectors, from the creative industries and the built environment to professional associations and the law. She has worked at a senior level for three local councils (Brisbane, Cairns and Ipswich) and the Queensland and Commonwealth governments as well as serving on the boards and selection committees of national and state funding bodies and organisations.

During a previous stint with Merit Solutions, Alice-Anne developed a strong reputation for her expert advice, exceptional writing skills and collaborative approach in the delivery of scribing, shortlisting and panel member services as well as coaching for job applicants. More recently, she was a member of the State Library of Queensland’s Queensland Memory Awards selection panel, a position she held for ten years. With considerable experience establishing award-winning attractions and initiatives, she has recruited and led talented teams to succeed across B2B and B2C markets.

Recruitment and Selection, Shortlisting, Scribing

With Merit Solutions, Alice-Anne has worked with selection panels in Queensland and Commonwealth Government agencies to provide expert scribing and selection services. As a senior manager in the Brisbane City Council for seven years, Alice-Anne had significant experience chairing selection panels and managing the recruitment and selection of highly skilled professional and administrative staff.

As Executive Manager of industry associations such as the Australian Institute of Architects, she has participated in significant sector recruitment exercises. Alice-Anne is well versed in the requirements of high-quality public sector recruitment and selection and its contribution to effective workforce outcomes.

Coaching and Training

Alice-Anne has a long history of coaching job applicants in developing well-targeted resumes and applications. She has coached tender teams on bid/no-bid decisions and lectured undergraduate students on presenting themselves in professional and industry settings.

Other Achievements

Alice-Anne established and led culturally significant organisations such the Museum of Brisbane, Cairns Regional Gallery and the Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts.

She is an outstanding writer and editor who translates complex technical concepts into clear and compelling documents, including high-quality selection reports. She has written and edited complex bids, submissions, strategic reviews, and business cases throughout her career. She was the Co-Editor of the Supreme Court Library of Queensland’s Queensland Legal Yearbook (2014 and 2015) and Consultant to PwC on a significant review of Hutt City museums in New Zealand.

Alice-Anne is an alumnus of the prestigious Getty Museum Leadership Program and a Rotary International Fellow.

Would you like to work with Alice-Anne?

Contact us to discuss availability and how she can help you and your organisation.

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