by Ron Passfield | Feb 28, 2010 | All Blogs, Performance Management
The process of active listening may sound simple but its effects are profound and far-reaching. Active listening can address an employee’s needs, affirm their self-worth and contribute substantially to their work motivation.
by Ron Passfield | Feb 9, 2010 | All Blogs, Manager Development, Organisation Structures, Performance Management
Managers have multiple sources of power to manage change and develop organizations. Many organizations, though, have power vacuums because managers do not take up the power that is rightfully theirs. Power has become a dirty word but the reality is that organizations are arenas of power and influence. Managers by their very position have organizational power and the responsibility to use it for employee welfare and achievement of organizational goals.
by Ron Passfield | Feb 7, 2010 | All Blogs, Manager Development, Performance Management
Managerial inaction can work against the espoused excellence values of an organization. Managers are often unaware of the impact of their behavior. Poor performance by managers is more often an issue of omission than overt actions. You need to be aware, as a manager, of the message that your inaction may convey.